Indeed in the heavens and earth are signs for those who believe. (Qur’an 45:3)

Bediuzzaman’s words from The Staff of Moses:
If we observe the face of the earth in the summer, we see that an absolute munificence and liberality, which necessitates confusion and disarrangement, is to be seen within a total harmony and order. Look at all the plants which adorn the face of the earth!
And the utter speed in the creation of things, which necessitates imbalance and disorder, is apparent within a perfect equilibrium. Look at all the fruits which decorate the face of the earth!
And an absolute multiplicity, which necessitates unimportance, indeed, ugliness, is apparent within a perfect beauty of art. Look at all the flowers which gild the face of the earth!

And the absolute ease in the creation of things, which necessitates lack of art and simplicity, is to be seen within an infinite art and skill and attention. Look carefully at all the seeds which are like the tiny containers and programs of the members of plants and trees and the small cases containing their life histories!
And the total intermingling, which necessitates confusion and muddle, is on the contrary to be seen within a perfect differentiation and separation. Consider the perfect differentiation of seeds when they sprout, despite being cast into the earth all mixed-up together and all resembling one another with regard to their substance, and the various substances which enter trees being separated out perfectly for the leaves, flowers and fruits, and the foods which enter the stomach all mixed up together being separated out perfectly according to the various members and cells. See the perfect power within the perfect wisdom!
Thus, just as the day shows the light, and the light the sun, the great value together with the utter profusion; and the boundless intermingling and intermixing together with the utmost differentiation and separation; and the infinite ease and facility together with the infinite care in the making within the utmost resemblance; and the absolute speed and rapidity together with the total equilibrium and balance and lack of waste within the most beautiful making; and the infinite abundance and multiplicity together with the highest degree of beauty of art, all testify to the necessary existence, perfect power and oneness of an All-Powerful One of Glory, an All-Wise One of Perfection, an All-Compassionate and Beauteous One.
With what an you explain this infinitely miraculous and wonderful state of affairs? To what can you attribute these truly extraordinary arts? What veil of heedlessness can you draw across this window as broad as the earth and so close to it? Where is your change and coincidence, your unconscious companion on which you rely and call “nature”, your friend and support in misguidance? It is totally impossible for chance and coincidence to interfere in these matters, isn’t it? And to attribute to “nature” one thousandth of them is impossible a thousand times over, isn’t it?
Or does lifeless, impotent nature have immaterial machines and printing presses within each single thing, made from each, and to the number of each?