Sincerity and Brotherhood and I realized that what Bediuzzaman said is very applicable to the current problems we are witnessing here and around the world. For this reason, we chose Sincerity and Brotherhood for our book of the month. I encourage all of us to deeply reflect on the following wisdom of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, and please share this important material with your friends. We all know how much humanity is hurting today and needs this timeless advice:
“The time for enmity and hostility has finished. Two world wars have shown how evil, destructive, and what an awesome wrong is enmity. It has become clear that there is no benefit in it at all. In which case, on condition they are not aggressive, do not let the evils of our enemies attract your enmity. Hell and Divine punishment are enough for them.
Sometimes, man’s arrogance and self-worship cause him to be unjustly hostile towards believers without his being aware of it; he supposes himself to be right. But this hostility and enmity is to slight powerful causes of love towards the believers, like belief, Islam, and fellow-humanity; it is to reduce their value. It is a lunacy like preferring the insignificant causes of enmity to the causes of love, which are as great as a mountain.
Since love and enmity are contrary to one another, like light and darkness, they cannot truly combine. The opposite of whichever is predominant in the heart cannot at the same time be truly present.”
-Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (from Sincerity and Brotherhood )
Dr. Osman Birgeoglu
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My teacher told me while ago that one’s goodness will always be rewarded . The good are tested and we need to be strong in our faith. I love the sea even it’s roughness; there is undoubtedly something sweet about it. Life is full of gusting winds and rough waves but if you have the life jacket called faith and can swim ( reading the word of God) no doubt you can reach the shore. I would love to get my family up to the shore however I may have to leave them if they refuse the life jackets and refuse to learn to swim!